Our projects consist of films that explore the Indigenous world within the landscape of Canada, the U.S., and Australia/New Zealand.
The Invisible Land
Changing what we see.

Over 5,700 cases of missing Indigenous women reported in 2023.
Residential Schools
over 4,100 children died at residential schools, though experts believe the true number is much higher
The Stereotype
Increased rates of suicide linked to substance abuse
About 29% of Indigenous people live below the poverty line?
Get involved
The Indigenous community is often unseen, and their artifacts are showcased in museums as though they are a civilization from a time past. They are an ancient community, one that existed time immemorial, but one that is still living and active today. They are a community that reveals who we were, who we are, and who we can become. This project will shed light on the past, tell stories of the present, and hope for a more integrated and seen future.